Saturday 21 March 2015

Parnell Day Trip

March 21 started out rainy.
Great right? It was probably the PERFECT day to go on a day trip to Parnell.

Nonetheless, everybody met outside General Library around 9:30 am, excited to go to the French market. We walked towards Newmarket, picking up more people on the way (aka, Genelle). Everybody got to know more about each other while we were walking and talking.

By the time we reached the French market, everybody was quite famished. It was a sight to see! There was a stall for dog food, jams, fruits and vegetables, bread, more bread, pastries, crepes, desserts and CHEESE with MORE BREAD.

Everybody started walking around looking for food, being awed by the puppies/ dogs around and well, just taking in the "Frenchness" of it all. The crepes were a big hit in our group. In fact, there was a small group that seemed to be at the crepe stall the whole time we were there. :) I saw you guys ;)

There was a bit of a drizzle again, though it added to the feel of the place. It was probably largely due to the guy singing in the rain but, yea. After the market, everybody enjoyed the trip so much we went to another market "Parnell Farmer's Market".

Then we headed to Selera in Newmarket for lunch.


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